Friday, December 25, 2009

Pre Christmas Run

What a great way to celebrate the day before Christmas day, Run! Did Summit Ridge to Home route, this time it’s about 1:17 for an 11K. Prep time for tomorrow’s eating activities :) Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I reached Summit Ridge

Did 11K going up to Tagaytay, meeeen I feel like my heart wants to explode. I got scared. I walked holding my left chest feeling its rapid beats. People’s reactions were funny. They were like they’ve seen something very new to them. Maybe they were thinking, “it’s just a matter of minutes before this guy would collapse and hit the road and be hit.” But it’s alright, I made it to Summit Ridge. You gotta love Summit Ridge. People are nice, people are beautiful, place is good. It’s around 6pm and I don’t have the strength to run going home so I hitched the first jeep I saw. Awesome experience \m/
Finish the Race. Keep the Faith.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Gun Start

I’ve always wanted to lose these extra baggages in my abdominal area. Always wanted to have that “flat stomach,” since I’ve been wearing these flabs for years already and I wanna lose them..Now! Tried jogging, a bit of running and fast-paced walking but never really got consistent with it, so no results. Tried eating less for two days but then eat like a construction worker the following days, thus, no results---until I can’t wear my sleeves and shirts anymore and had to buy a new set of clothes for my increased size. Finally decided to go to the gym and started doing cardio exercises [thanks to my personal trainer and dietician]. It was tough at first; everything’s tough when you’re starting. My max speed was at 8.5km/h. First time to endure 20 min at 8.5km/h, meeeeen it was great, was so proud. I thought that’s gonna be my max, then three months after, am running at 11.5km/h for 30min and I was then weighing 154lbs. from 184.4lbs [yes, I was big. Ok I was fat! pppffffftt....] .I thought am ready for some serious running.

One thing I learned, you have to really, really like something so much so you can work on it effectively and efficiently---it dictates your course. Without that cut-throat desire, you’re just gonna do it normally, just getting it over with---mediocre results. Here my goal was to lose weight, have a flat stomach, maybe grow some abdominal muscles and look better and I liked it so much, I know it would change my life. It’s a matter of change in focus.

“What you focus on, Expands!” ~ Jerry Clark

I believe in stewardship---if someone can’t be trusted with very little, he can’t be trusted with much. Everyone wants to have a long life for their own reasons. I want to live a long life with a gorgeous wife, yeah it rhymes! And if I can’t be trusted with what I put in my mouth every meal time, I may not be serious in asking God for a long life. Moreover, if I can’t be trusted with what I eat, I’d grow bigger and bigger [big isn’t healthy, big isn’t cute, big is disgusting] and I might be causing disorder in my internal systems, thus, no long life, no gorgeous wife.

Now, my daily runs are at 3K to 5K [treadmill or road running] and 11K to Tagaytay on weekends, with 1000 ropes for warm up and 2000 ropes post exercise and abs exercises. I enjoy breaking a sweat every time I run. Feels good, I can feel my spirit rising.

More Miles, More Days! Finish the Race! Keep the Faith!