Monday, July 25, 2011

Developing a Prosperity Consciousness

"When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost." – Billy Graham

The starting point of all riches is the development of a prosperity consciousness. You must become a financial success in your thinking long before you achieve it in your reality. Both poverty and riches are the result of a state of mind, and the most important single step you ever take on the road to wealth and financial independence is the decision to change your thinking, to impress into your mind an unshakable belief that you can and will achieve your financial goals. This must happen before anything else happens.

Think and Grow Rich

When I was growing up, I was fascinated by stories of successful men and women and how they made and lost their fortunes, and then made them over again. I read about the importance of a prosperity consciousness in the book, Think And Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill, several times. But I never fully understood what it meant until about five years ago. Then it hit me and I've never been quite the same since. Every aspect of my life has improved dramatically, especially in the area of accumulating wealth, since I finally understood what it meant by a prosperity consciousness.

Two Great Discoveries

Here are two of the most exciting principles ever discovered in the long search by mankind for the secrets of health, happiness and great personal wealth.

All Causation Is Mental

The first principle is this. All causation is mental. That means that everything that you are or ever will be is a result of how you use your mind. You are merely a mind with a body to carry it around with. The entire manmade world that you see is simply an expression of thought. Your entire life is an expression of your own thinking. And since the quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life, if you improve the quality of your thinking, you must, you will, inevitably improve the quality of your life.

The Law of Expectations

The second principle is what we call the law of expectations. This law says that whatever you expect with confidence, positive or negative, becomes your reality. If you confidently expect to succeed, if you confidently expect to learn something from every experience, if you confidently expect to become wealthy as a result of applying your talents and abilities to your opportunities and you maintain that attitude of confident expectations long enough, it will become your reality. It will give you a positive optimistic cheerful attitude that will cause people to want to help you, and will cause things to happen the way you want them to happen.

Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do immediately to practice these principles in your day-to-day life:

First, start thinking today in a positive, optimistic, confident way about personal and financial success. Continually imagine what differences it would make in your life if you were financially independent. This is the starting point of developing a prosperity consciousness.

Second, develop your own attitude of positive expectations. Look for the good in every situation. Look for the valuable lesson in every setback or difficulty. Be positive and cheerful about everything that happens and you will be amazed at the difference it makes in your life.

PAU "COCOS TO SUAL" (C2S) 65K Ultra Marathon Run

Saturday, August 20 · 4:00am - 4:00pm

Bolinao to Sual (Pangasinan)

Created By

More Info
Ultra Marathon Road Race From Cocos Beach Resort in Bolinao to Sual Sports & Civic Center, Sual, Pangasinan

Cut-Off Time: 12 Hours

Registration Fee: P 1,000.00

Slots Limited To 200 Runners

Isang Panawagan mula sa Isawan

baka daw kc may sakit ung sasawsaw e makahawa pa. Galing ni kuyang mag-iisaw :) *salute*

Ready na ako ma-confine...

Basta sa puso mo... :)


someone sent me this anonymous letter. i didnt know who it was from though i know the bearer (middle man) very very sweet high school girl from a local """"catholic"""" youth org.
didnt bother replying --- i'm a busy person. but if i were to make a response to this letter, here's how it goes:

"hi this is Christina!" --- hello Christina!!! :-P (yes, with smileys)
"may problema ka po ba sakin?" --- do i know you? have we met?
"i hope you get my point?!" --- what point?! again, do i know you? have we met?
"iniisip ko sayo?!" --- well i must be asking who you are. do i know you? have we met?
"wala naman ako ginagawa sayo..." --- EXACTLY!!! so why bother?!?!?! o_O
"after you read this letter, i'll be happy and contented.." --- well i hope you are.. ;-)
"i can act like i don't know you at all.." --- uhuh okay?!?!
"strangers in each other's eyes" --- right on! Get Well Soon!

one of my trustees said: "bakit parang bitter?! kilala nyo po ba yan sir?"
some friends said: "it sounds pathetic.."

Question: what was going on in your mind when you wrote me this letter?

To Christina: hello! uhm..what's this about?
To the bearer: stay sweet ♥

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Shoe Memento | Nike Lunar Swift

one of the best shoe i ever had. loved it because of its dynamic support and it is lightweight.
been with me for my long distance training for BDM102K 2011. it has been with me as i tread
upon the earth in Mariveles, Bataan to San Fernanado, Pampanga.

Super Battle Tested. Super Light Weight. Super Dynamic Support

 with Pastor Junn Besana. around 1pm, Guagua, Pampanga
. very long stretch

KM102, Finish Line, San Fernando Pampanga.
Nike Lunar Swift is still intact, never had a tear nor damage
It had to retire since it became too loose for my feet.
one of the best shoes i've worn ever.

Shoe Memento | Nike Lunar Glide

My Nike Lunar Glide
has been with me for 3 full marathons, 2 half marathons, 1 32K, and my training runs.
bought this for my training for my first 42K,  TBR Dream marathoners are entitled for such privilege.
dynamic support is still dependable, i just opted to buy a new pair since it became too loose
for my feet already for being all stressed and worn out. still i love Nike's dynamic support.
until i saw it under the sun. our househelp placed it there to dry up after being soaked with
running in the rain which, btw, is not advisable for shoes of any kind.

after Nike Lunar Glide, Lunar Swift graced my feet.

Take Yourself to the Top

Everybody wants to get to the top, whether it is the top of
a career, a company, the earnings scale, or the many other
ways that we as individuals can define the "top" in our own

But with so many people trying to get to the top, how come
so many people aren't moving up? I think there are some
fundamental reasons why. Reasons that can be addressed and

What are some things you can do to get to the top? Here are
some thoughts for you this week!

First of all, define what the "top" means for you. This is
extremely important because if you don't know where you are
going, you will never get there! Some people don't want to
be the CEO of the company. In fact, many think they are
better off then the CEO even though they don't make as much

Instead, they think they are at the top because of less
stress, weekends with their families, etc, and I see their
point. It doesn't matter what others think is the top, only
what you do, since you are only gauging whether or not YOU
get there! So where is it for you? That is the first
question for you to answer.

Be passionate about your goal. Passion is the energy that
drives us, or, as Alexander Pope said, passions are the
"gales of life." Passion is the wind in the sales of work.
Find some thing you love and you will find something you can
get to the top of.

If you don't love it, you may still make it to the top,
though highly unlikely. And even if you do, there will be no
joy. Let your passion carry you, because it will carry you
far! Thomas Fuller put it this way: A man with passion rides
a horse that runs away with him.

The will to continue in the face of hardship. Another reason
most will not get to the top is because they simply refuse
to scale the mountains of hardship that separate them from
the top. If you want to get to the beautiful view from the
top, you will have to climb over any obstacles.

Instead, many choose to stay at base camp! One would think
that Bjorn Borg, one of the greatest tennis players to ever
live, would consider his skill his greatest asset. Instead,
this is what he says, "My greatest point is my persistence.
I never give up in a match.

However down I am, I fight until the last ball. My list of
matches shows that I have turned a great many so-called
irretrievable defeats into victories."

Continue until you get to the top!

Love people and treat them right. What? Love people? That's
right! Why? Because if you are going to get to the top, you
are going to need other people. Be a jerk and you will find
people dragging their feet on you. Treat them right and you
will find them helping you and even cheering you on!

Master the appropriate skills. Average skills will get you
to the middle. Top skills will get you to the TOP! This is
most assuredly true when combined with the points above. Are
you achieving excellence in the skills you need? Are you
growing day by day, month by month, year by year?

You can always get better and getting better will take you
closer to the top! Even if you only improve a little, you
can keep improving that small amount and it will eventually
become a big amount! Demand the best from yourself and you
will get to the top.

Remember the words of Jose Ortega y Gasset: "We distinguish
the excellent man from the common man by saying that the
former is the one who makes great demands on himself, and
the latter who makes no demands on himself."

Define the Top
Be Passionate
Love others
Skill Mastery!

These will take you to the top!

Chris Widener[from newsletter]

Jesus is Watching You!!!

PAU 60K --- hindi ako pinayagan...

am all set for PAU 60K in Fort Magsaysay, Nueva Ecija.
but when i ask for permission, my parents
declined. yes, i still ask my parents consent.
i love them and i honor their decisions though most of them
pains me. and also most of them i do otherwise.

the reason is because it's too far and they're afraid that the same
might happen to me as with my cousin.
my cousin, who is a doctor, was a serious runner. he did pikermis
well and he runs very good. until one day, 5 or 6 years ago.
he collapsed in ATC and until now he's in a very serious condition.
i thought to myself, it's not gonna happen to me.
i have my nutrition with me whenever i go out and i run with caution.
which leads me to the real reason why i run.
i run for health. i run because i dont wanna inject insulin to my stomach area.
both of my grandfather has a line (curse?) of diabetes.
i think both of their moms (my great grandma's) had.
now my tito's has, my dad has. people are telling me to trim down on such a sweet tooth.

i know Jesus already set me free from the bondage of the curse (Faith) and
now i've been running, exercise (Action). and the manual says
"Faith without Action is DEAD!" but i got faith and am pursuing it.

anyways, here's the funny thing. my mom said: i'd buy you a new phone
just don't run that race. and you know what i did...............i didnt register
and didnt ask my parents for permission again.

so i had the privilege of choosing a decent mobile phone
and here's what i got in return for not running 60K in Fort Magsaysay :)

 SAMSUNG Galaxy S2

and now am addicted to angry birds :)

official demo here.
website here.
compared to iPhone here

i would have chosen iPhone4 but iPhone5 is up 3 months from now.
and i chose to strike whilst the iron is hot. my parents might not
offer me the same condition next time.

Congratulations to all the finishers of PAU 60K. Congratulations to Team Real Life.
Official Results here
Photos from Pastor Junn Besana's Facebook

Team Real Life at the Starting Line

 Team Real Life Finishers with their escorts

Now, i covet this:
PAU Medallion.

it's ok my next goal is to have that Golden Medallion
with inscription that says: Bataan Death March 160K 
Next Year!!!
"Grace, Grace to it!" ~ Zechariah 4

Go confidently!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Level of Competency

this smashed a gong!
from youtube: "if you wanna achieve something, you have to pass a certain level of competency"
made me reassess where am i right now. reviewed my dream book.
need to work more on that level of competency.
yes, it takes time to learn but everything has a price tag and dreams got deadlines.
i think i'm still growing my roots though i feel that am kinda behind schedule.
I will live this life head-on, so help me God!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

RUN4FITNESS: The 1st Mayor Benjo Villanueva Half-Marathon

Together with the Projects of the Local Government of Amadeo, Cavite in lieu with the Town Fiesta 2011, this Fun Run was organized in cooperation with my company, Capstone Systems Inc., as the Organizer and primary sponsor. First Half-Marathon in the town. Results were not that good but it's tolerable. here's the story.