Sunday, June 1, 2008

Prophetic Words

Victory Ortigas
March 1, 2008
I met this man not so long ago, rainier. We have the same mentor but in a different cong. I was introduced to him by our mentor after the corporate fast in galleria. I have to admit I was kinda surprised about this man. He seemed to be so good to me as if we know each other before. Little did I realize that I have met a Divine Connection. He was encouraging me generously. He wanted me to stay for fellowship but I didn’t, I have other commitments to attend to that day.  That wasn’t unusual but that night he was sending me messages of encouragement. That was nice. After some time he asked me if we could meet, God has something for me, and so we met.

And Thus says the Lord:

·                    I see you standing in a stage full of people. You will occupy a leadership position, the kind that will influence and make a big impact to a lot of people. I see you standing in front of a big group of people, speaking, making a stand, telling them how much I love them, about the things I did and will do for them.
·                    Your desire for the higher gifts will be given to you in due time. You will be given the gift of prophecy, discernment, the gift of healing, making miracles and even leading and teaching my people will be fulfilled in due time. Take time to discover your gifts. One day at a time.
·                    You are a big container, I see you as a very big beautiful vase, a container of the Holy Spirit. I want that container to overflow as you like it. But the figure is not yet complete. I am still adding water & clay to the figure.  You are a work in process. “I am still molding that figure, with specific designs with your character.”
·                    You will be blessed as you have prayed and will be blessed to be a blessing. A vessel to be used to bless and make a big impact to other people.
·                    You will travel. I will bring you to places you’ve never been before.
·                    You have been asking me about your family concerns, “how long still?”  and even in your family’s conflict, I want you to know that I am working on it.
·                    Our heart is synchronized. You have my heartbeat for compassion and passion for the lost. Your earthly form is weak, I am aware of that, but I know you are willing to get out of your comfort zone. I know that you have been asking me for my will. Know this, your path will get brighter and brighter and you will break forth like the dawn.
·                    A bigger group will be entrusted to you more than a small group. You will be prosperous as you have prayed. I have that in line because you delight yourself in me.
·                    You have a gift of encouragement and sharing my message of love and hope will be your gift as well.
·                    I see you as a deeply rooted tree, flourishing even though with worms.
·                    You will have the gift of power. You will exhibit faith, miracles, healing. “Seek me and my kingdom more.”
·                    I want you to know that I am pleased because you are doing some things for me. I am pleased because you relate to me as though I am your father. I am pleased because you pour out your heart to me when you are angry and frustrated. And after your anger and despair you lavish me with praise. I am pleased with that.
·                    I know you want to see me in your ventures.
·                   The Prophet: I see you driving a white car, and the people inside that you bring with you in your ventures, you will bring them to God as well.
man i was amazed! it was quite an experience. especially the "I am pleased..." parts. praise God for His words. they gave me ease and more passion to keep on pressing forward to the goal. thanks God! :]

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