Thursday, January 21, 2010

I Got Afraid

The Problem
EXPLODE!!! That’s what my heart wanna do whenever I go up to Tagaytay to run. Meeeen the track is so steep. If it were in a tread mill, I think the gradient would be at 8%---that’s how serious it is. There were times that I’d walk my way up holding my rapid beating heart who wants to come out. People might be thinking, “hala inaatake na yata ‘to.”

The Solution
My friend recommended that I use stamina booster especially when doing extremely strenuous activities. I thought to myself I might not need it, I think I can manage naman, plus I don’t wanna inflict damage to my internal organs---I hear people say that some meds or supplements can actually damage internal organs. But not until I felt this super rapid beating going up---it only happens when the track is elevated---blame Newton. I remembered my cousin, who’s actually a surgeon, used to be a runner, competing in various races since able. Even went to HK for a marathon. In his free time, he’d run around St. Luke’s. Not until 4 years ago, he was walking from his clinic and he collapsed in ATC and....he’s in a coma until now in his house in AAV. His doctors said his heart must have gotten overworked. I know he will recover in God’s time.

Ok I got worried and I thought why not give it a try. So I tried using his stamina booster, Cordymax. He said it actually improves oxygen consumption and lung function. The more oxygen you consume, the more “not pagod” you become, thus, you can do more work out and exercises. Here are some of its benefits:

Primary Benefits
• Boosts vitality and stamina*
(perfect for runners and athletes)
* Improves Oxygen Consumption
* Supports greater natural resistance
• Reduces fatigue*
• Promotes healthy lung function*
* Prevents future Asthma Attacks
(Karl Malone has asthma but it looks like
he doesn't have it, when he plays. He loved
Cordymax so much, he endorsed it for Free)
* Improve kidney and liver function
(highly recommended for dialysis patients;
complements with whey protein users)*
* Enhances Sexual Performance

****[copied from]

For more info about Cordymax: click his website & here
If you want big discounts, tell him you read about Cordymax from this blog.

It’s my 3rd day of using Cordymax and I thought why not test drive the new engine. Guess what? Meeeeenn, I felt like my lungs just got bigger! My inhale span got longer, it’s easier to breath, my rhythm [inhale, exhale per step] got stable and longer, Meeeen did I just got a lung transplant?!

Upon reaching my worked out pace [I’m not sure how you call it but I refer to it as ‘worked out pace’, the period from warmed up to getting so worked out and worn out---you feel so pagod na before the plateau---endurance point] I noticed am about to reach the 3rd kilometre post. I thought, meeeenn this is amazing, I usually feel the “worked out point” as I reach the first kilometre post, and then I’d jog slowly. With Cordymax, I reached the 3rd km post before feeling so worked out. This is really something. This can help me conquer my first 21K.

As for me, I fell in love with Cordymax. Now my heart isn’t my problem knees and legs are! Thanks to my friend who told me to use Cordymax, Amazing! It helped me, am sure it’ll help you too.

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