Wednesday, February 1, 2012

2nd BDM 160K

I tried and prepared but my preparation needs more improvement.
Wasnt able to reach the Old Railway Station on time, i'm 20 minutes behind cut-off...
there will always be next time..

here's the story on my side of the world :)
KUDOS to Pastor Ferdie Cabiling for being the first in Team Real Life to conquer the BDM160K!!!

at the Starting Line with Pastor Ferdie and his crew

 walking uphill

 and uphill..

 still uphill... but nearing the support vehicle

since i didn't reach the 1st cut-off on time, 
destiny pushed us to rest at Villa Alfredo in San Fernando, Pampanga
i got no more strength to take pictures while checking in so here's the
story the next morning..

 are these chimpanzees?

 flocks of African Love Birds (inside the aviary)
i wanted to have an aviary right there and then!

 Eclectus Parrots, yes i know their a parrot lover

having able to rest for 6 hours after running for 18hours straight,
Im UP again!

end part of the aviary

 Onang, with the African Grey Parrot, she's quite nervous.
(she hates birds!)

 her nervous smile, with the cockatoo

 i think this is an iguana, that thing on the right suspended on the bridge

 Blue Macaus

CONGRATULATIONS to Pastor Ferdie for Finishing the 2nd BDM160
way behind the cut-off time!

I'll have my share of this silver buckle on time!
Grace! Grace to it!

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