Monday, February 22, 2010

Century Tuna Superbods Run 2010

Barrier Breaking---my first 21K run. Super Fun. I trained hard for this. I signed up 31 days before the race and I literally pushed myself to the limit. If am gonna make it, then good for me. There will always be bigger and better mountains; if I don’t, then poor me, better job next time---I don’t wanna hear this….ever! [I can imagine Dr. House saying losers are sissies] By God’s grace, I made it! What I thought could be a 4 hour treading exercise turned out to be 2:12:08, they say it’s not bad for a newbie runner.
The Training
I allotted 3-5K daily runs [road runs and/or tread mill]and 11K runs [from Summit Ridge Tagaytay to my place is 11K] during Sundays. 1000 ropes for warm up and 2000 ropes after running followed by mixed abs exercises. still trying to make the 1650calories but I cheat on Sundays knowing that I’ll be doing endurance exercises [the bulalo calories would have been burned] the secret weapon: Cordymax, thanks to my friend who recommended Cordymax. I literally felt like my lungs just got bigger, I can carry as much oxygen as I can then breathe pace-fully. One word: Amazing! [About Cordymax Click here. Tell him you read about it from my blog and he’ll give you big discounts].
The Reason
When I saw the TVC of Century Tuna Superbods, I thought to myself there’s no way am not gonna be there. Too many pretty faces and shapes are gonna be present and I would really want to be a part of it [Brazilian models will be there. I don’t know, I find them ravishing]. I don’t have a heart for missions but if given a chance, I’d definitely go to Brazil for missions. :) The girls are pretty, their colors are pretty, their accent is pretty, everything is pretty, Viva Brazil! ~ talk about wrong mission motives. Nonetheless, this will be my first official race, and my first half mary so lesgow!
The Cup
Drinking stations are present for every 2 kilometers, and I love it. The models were there giving refreshments to runners as they go the next stretch. I look forward to drinking stations since the models were there---pretty faces, adorable. Imagine being stranded in the middle of Sahara with the sun ever present above you and you’re only hope for survival is in the hands of pretty models, isn’t life worth living? Amen!
The Bottle Neck
I probably slowed down and walked for more than 10 times. My calves are getting stiff and the screws in my knees are getting loose. I thought they’d pop but hey, I trained hard for this, my God saves. I slowed down in the dark areas so people won’t see me haha. Reaching my endurance level, Cordymax delivered it’s best shot. My heart was pumping regularly fast. It never ceases to amaze me, I thought my lungs expanded and is pumping twice the capacity. My concern then was not my heart nor my lungs----my knees and my legs are---they need lubrication. Screws need to be tightened.
The Motivation
I slowed down when I was about to reach Heritage Park. I think that was about the 12th kilometer when some guy wearing black singlet rushed on my left. I said to myself, how dare you! But when I looked through, this guy ain’t got no arms, I think he lost both arms, just some wings to move inertia. Meeen when I saw him, I thought to myself “Now what’s my excuse?! Why am I slowing down?” I ran towards him to see his structure closely but I didn’t get him, he was rushing and was gone with the wind. As we say it: “Kung gusto may paraan; Kung ayaw maraming dahilan.” [If you really want something done, you’ll do everything to make it; else, excuses will ever be present] who is this guy? I wanna know him, I wanna meet him.
The Nourishment
Then the sponges came then the hammer gels. Great job hammer gels! Back in track.
The Breakthrough
My longest mileage was 12K and upon reaching my 13th kilometer, ooohhh mmeeeeenn!!! Barrier-Breaking Feeling! There’s some sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. Then the 16th , 17th all the way to 19th 20th up until the last stretch, Meeeenn, Grace Awakening. Remembered one of my fave passages: “Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit says the LORD. ~ Zechariah 4th Chapter”
The Score
I don’t have any basis for comparison but nonetheless, I loved RunRio Leg 1, I think it was perfect. Awesome marketing, unbelievable attendance, portalets are more than enough, baggage counters are safely administered, runners are pampered and I give 5 diamonds for the pretty models who provided the nourishments. Great Job Coach Rio Looking forward to Leg 2.

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