Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What To Know When You're 25(ish) [got tagged from fb]

Here are the things really worth caring about in your 20s.
When you’re 25-ish, you’re old enough to know what kind of music you love, regardless of what your last boyfriend or roommate always used to play. You know how to walk in heels, how to tie a necktie, how to give a good toast at a wedding and how to make something for dinner. You don’t have to think much about skin care, home ownership or your retirement plan. Your life can look a lot of different ways when you’re 25: single, dating, engaged, married. You are working in dream jobs, pay-the-bills jobs and downright horrible jobs. You are young enough to believe that anything is possible, and you are old enough to make that belief a reality.
Now is the time to figure out what kind of work you love to do. What are you good at? What makes you feel alive? What do you dream about? You can go back to school now, switch directions entirely. You can work for almost nothing, or live in another country, or volunteer long hours for something that moves you. There will be a time when finances and schedules make this a little trickier, so do it now. Try it, apply for it, get up and do it.
When I was 25, I was in my third job in as many years—all in the same area at a church, but the responsibilities were different each time. I was frustrated at the end of the third year because I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do next. I didn’t feel like I’d found my place yet. I met with my boss, who was in his 50s. I told him how anxious I was about finding the one perfect job for me, and quick. He asked me how old I was, and when I told him I was 25, he told me that I couldn’t complain to him about finding the right job until I was 32. In his opinion, it takes about 10 years after college to find the right fit, and anyone who finds it earlier than that is just plain lucky. So use every bit of your 10 years: try things, take classes, start over.
Now is also the time to get serious about relationships. And “serious” might mean walking away from the ones that don’t give you everything you need. Some of the most life-shaping decisions you make in this season will be about walking away from good-enough, in search of can’t-live-without. One of the only truly devastating mistakes you can make in this season is staying with the wrong person even though you know he or she is the wrong person. It’s not fair to that person, and it’s not fair to you.
Twenty-five is also a great time to start counseling, if you haven’t already, and it might be a good round two of counseling if it’s been a while. You might have just enough space from your parents to start digging around your childhood a little bit. Unravel the knots that keep you from living a healthy whole life, and do it now, before any more time passes.
Twenty-five is the perfect time to get involved in a church you love, no matter how different it is from the one you were a part of growing up. Be patient and prayerful, and decide that you’re going to be a person who grows, who seeks your own faith, who lives with intention. Set your alarm on Sunday mornings, no matter how late you were out on Saturday night. It will be dreadful at first, and then after a few weeks, you’ll find that you like it, that the pattern of it fills up something inside you.
Don't get stuck
This is the thing: when you start to hit 28 or 30, everything starts to divide, and you can see very clearly two kinds of people: on one side, people who have used their 20s to learn and grow, to find God and themselves and their deep dreams, people who know what works and what doesn’t, who have pushed through to become real live adults. And then there’s the other kind, who are hanging onto college, or high school even, with all their might. They’ve stayed in jobs they hate, because they’re too scared to get another one. They’ve stayed with men or women who are good but not great, because they don’t want to be lonely. They mean to find a church, they mean to develop honest, intimate friendships, they mean to stop drinking like life is one big frat party. But they don’t do those things, so they live in kind of an extended adolescence, no closer to adulthood than they were when they graduated college.

Don’t be like that. Don’t get stuck. Move, travel, take a class, take a risk. Walk away, try something new. There is a season for wildness and a season for settledness, and this is neither. This season is about becoming. Don’t lose yourself at happy hour, but don’t lose yourself on the corporate ladder either. Stop every once in a while and go out to coffee or climb in bed with your journal. Ask yourself some good questions like: “Am I proud of the life I’m living? What have I tried this month? What have I learned about God this year? What parts of my childhood faith am I leaving behind, and what parts am I choosing to keep with me for this leg of the journey? Do the people I’m spending time with give me life, or make me feel small? Is there any brokenness in my life that’s keeping me from moving forward?”

Now is your time. Become, believe, try. Walk closely with people you love, and with other people who believe that God is very good and life is a grand adventure. Don’t spend time with people who make you feel like less than you are. Don’t get stuck in the past, and don’t try to fast-forward yourself into a future you haven’t yet earned. Give today all the love and intensity and courage you can, and keep traveling honestly along life’s path.

Taken from Bittersweet by Shauna Niequist Copyright © 2010. Used by permission of Zondervan. www.zondervan.com


Active Culture got me interviewed, Check this out!

"Running is more than a Sport, more than a State of mind, it’s a Lifestyle. Do more. Accomplish more. Enjoy more."
Hear it straight from Jem, while he makes the stride of his life..

ACTTIVE: How long have you been running?
JEM: I started running August of last year. I got into the gym with the goal of losing the excess weight. I was weighing 184 lbs back then.

Months before I got serious, I was kind of running in a ranch near my place. While trying to maintain my pace, some dogs got so friendly and started chasing me. That’s when I got my unbeatable record --thanks to the dogs!

Sometimes, when I don't feel like interacting with the dogs, I hook on the treadmill while watching 24, Smallville and House before hitting bed.

Then I lost 5 lbs... Five pounds with no sweat, with some playing around!! I realized I am ready to do serious strides and shed more unwanted weight!!

That day onwards, the lonely road going up to Tagaytay became my training ground. From my place to Summit Ridge Tagaytay is around 10.5 to 11K (counting kilometer posts). I have loved running that route with my buddies, Chip Ingram, John Maxwell and Joey Bonifacio (podcasts).

ACTTIVE: Are you competitive?
JEM: I compete with myself. I’ve been running long distance --half and full marathon. I love long distance running. It kind of test my training preparation, if I did well or if I need to train more.

ACTTIVE: How many marathons have you run in the past?
JEM: TBR Dream Marathon was my first marathon. It was a very awesome experience finishing 42K on my birthday! Milo was my second full marathon. Unlike the first, the second marathon was a pain with an injured right leg. However, I am looking forward to continue running the long distance in Pasig, QCIM and Subic races.

ACTTIVE: What is the most favorite race (not necessarily marathon) you run? Why?
JEM: I have to say, my most favorite race is the TBR Dream Marathon because it was my first time to run a full marathon and it was on my birthday. A very unique gift to myself. That was actually the first time I learned about Chi Running* in my attempt to pace with Lit Onrubia, a chi running instructor. But I only paced with him until the 24th kilometer only. I fell short on training. I did my final long run I think a week before the big day, which is by-the-way a NO-NO, since we’re jumpstarting a new enterprise. However, I had a lot of fun because it was so exclusive. The runners are either first timers or second timers. You won’t feel the tension of competing with one another. Runners even became friends and running buddies. It felt like a culminating activity after all our training and running clinics --a Graduation. Very organized race spearheaded by the bull runner herself, Jaymie Pizarro.

ACTTIVE: How do you prepare for a race? Do you follow any specific running program?
JEM: As much as possible, I run in the morning for my maintenance run before I hit the gym. If I cannot run, I do ropes. Personally, I call it "easy-pacute" runs, since my last stretch would be 2-4 rounds around the high school oval where pretty girls are. LOL. Weekend is allotted for LSD (long slow distance). I follow the 3-month marathon training program I got from Jim Lafferty when am engaged in a marathon. This is actually one of the very generous supports of TBR Dream Marathon. Run on time, run if you should. No cheat days. Sweat if you must.

ACTTIVE: How do you approach running a marathon?
JEM: I set my interval at 7-1 (7 minutes running and 1 minute walking). Turning 8-1 after 5 sets then 9-1 if I still can. I usually maintain 8-1 then plateau at 7-1. Marathon is a test whether I did well on my training or not.

ACTTIVE: How many kilometers per week do you run?
JEM: Long runs every weekend, at least 25K from my office going up to Tagaytay then back, usually until Olivarez Plaza or Sonia’s Garden. Short maintenance runs during weekdays, 6-10K depending on my time.

ACTTIVE: Do you cross train or do other sports?
Yes. I swim once a week. I live next to a resort so anytime I want to hit the pool, I can just splash in. I have been wanting to do MTB (mountain bike) though, to prepare for triathlon but I am still not up to the nitty-gritty it requires to set it up, clean and maintain it. As a substitute, I do my spinning in the gym. Consistent workout is a must in keeping fit and training for any sport, may it be marathon or triathlon.

ACTTIVE: Do you have any special diet --during the training program, immediately before a race, post race?
JEM: My daily diet consists mainly of oatmeal, any fruit in season, tuna, with occasional inclusion of chicken or pork for my protein source. I prefer “nilaga” (stewed/boiled) or grilled than fried, while grilled taste better for me. I eat rice only when I feel like having it. It is not staple in my home.

My latest discovery, Century Tuna Bangus --oh man you gotta try it! I grill the bangus (milkfish) in a sizzling plate with egg then top it with the sauce that goes with it. Panalo (winner) with oatmeal!

I also take protein shakes after workout. One thing I’ve observed with oatmeal, it’s easier and faster to move than rice which feels heavy on the tummy. I've been wanting to give up Kapeng Barako (native Batangas coffee) but I am having a hard time. And what makes it more difficult is a benefit I learned from a recent reading that coffee promotes running faster (Men's Health magazine).

Before a race, I carboload with two servings of rice, chicken and Marathon Max. Yes, it feels heavy, but it conditions my body to run full tank the following day. Better to run full tank than half empty. Right after a race, I take a lot of water and whatever carb and protein source accessible. I usually rush to McDonald’s for a cheeseburger meal.

ACTTIVE: Do you bring your own nutrition for the race ie electrolytes, gels?
JEM: Yes. My metabolism shoots up easily so I need to replenish my tank before it hits empty. I fill my hydration belt with energy drinks. Pocari sweat and Gatorade are good choices. I bring at least four Hammer gels (espresso flavor) and a Hershey bar for long distance running.

ACTTIVE: Have you done an out of town marathon/race? Any learning experience that is beneficial to those aspiring to do the same?
JEM: Practice is Key. Always have yourself on training mode even if you’re not joining any race. In this way, your body will get used to high endurance mobility until it becomes your habit then your second nature --as your normal running capacity. Whether you’re running a half marathon or a full marathon, if your body is always on a training mode, what you are only going to worry about is your body clock. Everything else follows. But when you are on training, make sure you are into it. Put your heart and soul to it. Listen to your body. Adjust your capacity gradually. You are building a strong foundation. Remember you are going to run for as long as you live not only for a season.

“Fire will test the quality of each man’s work, if the work survives, he will receive a reward.” ~ Paul of Tarsus

CONSISTENCY. Stick to your running schedule. Run if you must even if you don’t feel like it. You are forming a habit. Keep track of your mileage, increase gradually. Do time trials --strive to beat your personal record (PR). Be consistent with your pace whether it’s 5-1 or 9-1. Walk if your interval says you should, even if you feel like running or else it will backfire on you in the last kilometers. Running is more than a sport, more than a state of mind, it’s a lifestyle. Do more. Accomplish more. Enjoy more.

“Run in such a way as to win the prize” ~ Paul of Tarsus

ACTTIVE: What is your ultimate running goal? What makes you run (any motivation)?
JEM: When I started running, my goal was only to lose weight then maintain a correct form. Then I thought about running a full marathon. I am going to run anyway so why not run like real runners do. I think it’s an acid test to call yourself a marathoner or a recreational runner. Being able to finish a full 42K by foot means a lot.

I have no idea back then that there is such a thing as Ultra Marathon. I hear people talk about it. And I start to read about it. My next goal is 102K Bataan Death March Ultra Marathon. Wait, I heard there’s even a 151K Ultra Marathon says the Bald Runner --sounds exciting and interesting!! I love endurance test, the Survival of the Fittest!!

Jem's inspiring words for the active culture:
"To challenge yourself, whether you can give more or give up soon, this keeps you striding farther. If you can outplay yourself by running physically, you can do it also in your family, in your business, in your ministry and in your relationships. Self-fulfillment. New levels of Victory. Behind every mountain is a bigger and higher mountain. To be the best that God created you to be. To make Him proud and see Him smile."

See you guys in 2nd QCIM. Cheers to a healthy nation!


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bakit? ......from my facebook notes

bakit kelangan muna madapa bago makatayo?
bakit kelangan muna matalo para makasuko?
naisip mo ba na baka naman merong ibang paraan
na pwede nating iwasan ang dating daan?

bakit kelangan masaktan upang matuto?
bakit kelangan magtiyaga para umasenso?
sadya nga bang daig ng maagap ang masipag
o sadyang kulang tayo sa disiplina, gabay at pagkalinga?

ano kayang laman ng utak ng mga taong nagtagumpay?
handa kaya sila tumulong, sumuporta't umagapay?
sa bawat pagdaluhong at pagsubok nitong buhay,
kakayanin ba nating mabuhay ng matiwasay?

bakit ang iba kunteto na sa simpleng buhay?
bakit hindi maghangad ng ibang antas ng tagumpay?
sadya nga bang tamad tayo o hindi makuntento
o kaya nama'y kulang sa gabay, direksyon at pagtuturo?

bakit ang iba sobra ang kayamanan?
at ang iba naman sukdulan ang kahirapan?
meron bang dapat sisihin kung bakit magkakaiba tayo?
kung lahat nama'y may bente-kwatro oras pare-pareho?

bakit nga ba kung gusto may paraan,
at kung ayaw may dahilan?
kung ang puso'y patuloy na magdurugo
may pag-asa pa ba itong makalayo?

ang daming kong tanong napansin mo ba?
walang magawa kundi pagdugtungin ang mga salita.
hindi ba't maganda naman kung sila'y pakikinggan
at kung titingnan mabuti ay pwedeng gawaan ng paraan

sa paglubog ng araw at pagsikat ng buwan
itatanong mo sa sarili mo.
sa pagtatapos ng araw na ito
alin sa mga nagawa ko ang ipagmamalaki ko?

2nd TBR Dream Marathon. Register Now! \m/

The Bull Runner Dream Marathon is actually my first Full Marathon.
and here it is again. it is with great honor that am reblogging this.
For more info get updated with The Bull Runner in his website. thebullrunner.com
for starters, check the link: http://thebullrunner.com/2010/09/16/2nd-tbr-dream-marathon-register-now/ 

Here’s what you’ve been waiting for: Registration for 2nd TBR Dream Marathon is Now Open!
TBR Dream Marathon is a one-of-a-kind small and intimate marathon especially designed for first time marathoners. From the moment you register for the race, we will guide you towards training properly and wisely until you run all 42.195 kms of your first marathon and cross the finish line. It is an experience that will change your life and one you will forever cherish.
Race Date: Sunday, March 20, 2011
Training Period: October 18, 2010 to March 19, 2011
Race Venue: NUVALI, Sta. Rosa, Laguna
Slots: 400 first or 2nd time marathoners only
Distance: 42km
Race fee: P1,800
Partner: NUVALI
Presented by: New Balance
In Cooperation with: Gatorade, Secondwind Running Store
Supported by: Hammer Nutrition
Registration Center: R.O.X., Bonifacio High Street
Logistics Partner: Creative Juice
1. MADE FOR FIRST-TIME MARATHONERS. We have 400 slots reserved for runners attempting to complete their first marathon. This race was made for the beginner from proper education to full support on race day. Race cut-off is 8 hours. No prizes will be given to top finishers because everyone who crosses the finish line is a winner.
2. TBR DREAM MARATHON TRAINING PROGRAM BY COACH JIM LAFFERTY. To help you train properly, you will receive a 22-week Training Program developed by Coach Jim Lafferty, retired P&G General Manager, finisher of 23 marathons, coach of multiple US national team members, and TBR Dream Marathon’s race director.  Should you have any questions, he is just an email away.
3. BULL SESSIONS (LONG RUNS). While most of the runs will be done on your own, once a month all participants will be invited to a Bull Session: long group runs together led by the Pinoy Ultra Runners. This will neither be a race nor speedwork; it will be easy, conversational-pace runs together.  We’ll even have a practice run on the actual race course as the race draws near. By the time marathon day comes, most runners along the course will be familiar faces—or better yet, good friends!
4. BULL CIRCLE (TALKS). Once a month, participants will be invited to talks by running experts specifically chosen by TBR because of their knowledge and competency in a particular field.

5. PERSONAL AND INTIMATE MARATHON EXPERIENCE. Due to the small number of participants, we can and will treat each one of you as if you were the only runner in the marathon. We will provide more than enough water, Gatorade, fruits, chocolates, sponges, and ice. Even our marshals and volunteers will treat you like friends.

6. SAFE & SCENIC ROUTE. Our course is in NUVALI, the new prestigious 1,700 hectare development of Ayala Land south of Manila. You can enjoy the fresh air as you run on a course with limited vehicular traffic. You’ll marvel at the scenic views of Mt. Makiling, Laguna de Bay, and Tagaytay Ridge during the marathon.
7. “DREAM CHASERS.” Experienced marathoners and volunteers—handpicked and screened by the race organizers—will be on standby at various points in the race.  At any time a runner requests for help, the “Dream Chaser” will happily run a few kilometers with the marathoner to provide hydration, gels, food, or even silly jokes.
8. CHEERING ZONES. Solenad, a cluster of restaurants within Nuvali, will be designated as a cheering zone.  The route will have runners run through the Solenad dining area twice.  You can literally grab a pizza or cold drink from your family’s dining table.  At the same time, they can give you a hug or cheer wildly for you.  Surely the best way to reenergize when the going gets tough!

9. “DREAM MOBILE.” One bus will travel along the route during the race.  Family and friends of runners can hop on the bus (with their banners, flags, and bells in hand) to cheer for their runner when they spot them along the route. (Go Daddy Go!)

10. “SECOND WIND ZONE.” The last few kilometers is the hardest portion of any marathon. At this point, Team Secondwind will provide free hydration, food and of course, support to make the toughest part of the race a little bit easier and give runners their second wind as they run towards the finish line.

11. FAMILY ACTIVITIES. While they wait for the runners, families and friends can dine at Solenad, a row of restaurants such as Italianni’s, Conti’s, and Yellow Cab, that will be open for breakfas. They can opt to bring food and have a picnic or rent bikes.  Kids will get a thrill from feeding over 800 koi fish or ride boats on the lake.

12. ENTERTAINMENT. We’ll have entertainment for runners along the route and for family and friends.

13. PERKS & FREEBIES. You don’t just get what you pay for, but you get MORE such as automatic inclusion in TBR Dream Marathon e-Newsletter for regular updates on our group activities, PDF souvenir program featuring all the marathoners in the race and goodies from sponsors that should make your registration fee worth every cent.

14. COMMUNITY AFFAIR. People around you will fully support you as you complete your first marathon.  Family and friends can witness you as you run along the route. The TBR Dream Team and experienced runners will help you along the way.  Volunteers and spectators will cheer for you.  The entire community will be one to help YOU achieve your dream.
15. HELP ORPHANED CHILDREN. Part of race proceeds will go to HERO (Help Educate and Rear Orphans) Foundation.  HERO foundation provides educational stipend support to children of soldiers who are killed-in-action or are permanently incapacitated in battle defending our democracy and preserving peace and order. Learn more about it HERE.
Sign up for RESERVATION online. Click on the link below to RESERVE A SLOT for TBR Dream Marathon 2011 on March 20, 2011.
  • The race is open to 400 FIRST- or SECOND-TIME MARATHONERS. First-timers will be given priority.  Second-time marathoners may reserve a slot but will be on wait-list and will gain entry only after 300 slots for first-time marathoners are filled.
  • We follow a strict first come, first served rule.
  • Please note that reservation does not mean immediate acceptance into TBR Dream Marathon.
  • We expect honesty and full transparency in your submission. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse entry or disqualify a participant.
  • When slots are full, registration details will be provided on thebullrunner.com and will be emailed to RESERVED RUNNERS. Failure to appear during the registration period will mean automatic forfeiture of reserved slot.
  • Organizer will not answer any queries or requests to be enlisted.  One can only RESERVE through the link above.
Good luck! We cannot wait to meet TBR Dreamers Batch 2011! It’s time to LIVE YOUR DREAM!
  1. I never ran a day in my life, can I sign up for TBR Dream Marathon? Yes. Our 22-week program is beginner friendly. We start with 2 weeks of walking to gradually introduce running. The rest of the program is based on a run-walk program. We will all use this during the training period.
  2. Do we run together during the entire 22-weeks leading up to the marathon? No. We will meet once a month for the next 6 months for our Bull Sessions where we will run together. For other training days, we expect you to do your homework on your own. While this is a beginners’ marathon, we will not baby you. We do commit to guide you and provide all the support you need to make this one of the most memorable experiences of your life.
  3. How do we know we are training properly? We have gathered the best experts in the field to give you much needed information on training for the marathon during our Bull Circles, free running talks covering topics that will prepare you for the marathon. TBR Dream Team will also be there for you.  Our race director and coach, Jim Lafferty, will answer your queries via email and he responds promptly. Neville Manaois, Edward Kho, Atty. Raymund Martelino, and I, together with three new members of our team, Lit Onrubia, Jun Cruz, and my hubby, Miguel Pizarro, will support you all the way.
  4. I’m from the province, can I join? Yes. If you manage to reserve a slot, please email us details regarding your situation.  We will allow you to send your payment and forms as long as you can make it to race day.
  5. I signed up for a 42k before but did not finish it, can I still join? Yes. As long as you never crossed the finish line of a 42km, then you may join.
  6. I finished two marathon already, but I want to join your race.  Can I still join? No. The race is exclusively for first- and second-time marathoners. We encourage you, however, to volunteer as a Dream Chaser, pacer, or cheerer.  This is your chance to pay it forward to other runners.  Registration for Dream Chasers and volunteers will be announced here.
Hope you guys would chase your first Full Marathon with The Bull Runner!
Source: http://thebullrunner.com/2010/09/16/2nd-tbr-dream-marathon-register-now/ 

On Cheating

thinks schools fail to see the value of cheating. it's actually team work on a micro level. helping one other to achieve a common goal. then these students would become friends and overlap into each other's inner circle, that's network. then these students would labor together and form their dream team to make their dreams work. it all started with cheating.

Mother of the Year

In a zoo in California , a mother tiger gave birth to a rare set oftriplet tiger cubs.  Unfortunately, due to their tiny size,they died shortly after birth.The mother tiger after recovering from the delivery, suddenly startedto decline in health, although physically she was fine. Theveterinarians felt that the loss of her litter had caused the tigress to fall into adepression. The doctors decided that if the tigress could getanother mother's cubs, perhaps she would improve.After checking with many other zoos across the country, the depressingnews was that there were no tiger cubs of the right age to introduce tothe mourning  mother. The veterinarians decided to try something thathad never been  tried in a zoo environment. Sometimes a mother of onespecies will take on the care of a different species. The only orphans"that could be found quickly, were a litter of weaner pigs.  The zookeepers and vets wrapped the piglets in tiger skin and placed thebabies around the mother tiger. Would they become cubs or pork chops??Take a look........ you won't believe your eyes!! 

"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way,You command the attention of the world"

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Inday Monologues

Dahil sa tindi ng kahirapan sa probinsya,
namasukan si Inday bilang katulong sa Maynila.
Habang ini-interview ng amo...

Amo: Kelangan namin ng katulong para mag ayos ng
bahay, magluto, maglaba, magplantsa, mamalengke,
at magbantay ng mga bata. Kaya mo ba ang lahat ng

Inday: I believe that my trained skills and
expertise in management with the use of standard
tools, and my discipline and experience will
contribute significantly to the value of the
work that you want, my creativity, productivity
and work-efficiency and the high quality of
outcomes I can offer will boost the work

Amo: [nosebleed]

Nakaraan ang dalawang araw, umuwi ang amo,
nakitang me bukol si junior.

Amo: Bakit me bukol si junior?

Inday: Compromising safety with useless
aesthetics, the not-so-well engineered
architectural design of our kitchen lavatory
affected the boy's cranium with a slight boil at
the left temple near the auditory organ.

Amo: [nosebleed ulit]

Kinagabihan, habang naghahapunan.

Amo: Bakit maalat ang ulam?

Inday: The consistency was fine. But you see, it
seems that the increased amount of sodium
chloride (NaCl) affected the taste drastically
and those actions are irreversible. I do

Amo: [nosebleed na naman]

Donya: Bakit tuwing paguwi ko, nadadatnan kitang
nanunuod ng tv?!

Inday: Because I don't want you to see me doing
absolutely nothing.

Donya: [hinimatay]

Kinabukasan, sinamahan ni Inday si junior sa
principal's office dahil di makapunta ang amo at

Principal: Sinuntok ni junior ang kanyang

Inday: It's absurd! It was never a fact that he
will inflict a fight. I can only imagine how you
handle schizophrenic kids on this educational
institution. Revise your policies because they

Principal: [nag resign]

Pag dating sa bahay, nandun na ang amo, galit na

Amo: Inday, bakit nagkalat ang basura sa likod ng

Inday: A change in the weather patterns might
have occurred wrecking havoc to the
surroundings. The way the debris are scattered
indicates that the gust of wind was going
northeast causing damage to the path it was
heading for.

Amo: [nosebleed ulit]

Habang nagluluto si Inday ng hapunan, malikot si

Inday: Stop your raucous behavior. It is bound
to result in property damages and if that
happens there will be corresponding punishment to
be inflicted upon you!

Junior: [takbo sa CR, punasan ang nagdudugong

Pagkatapos magluto, nanood na ng TV si Inday.
Nabalitaan nya umalis si Angel Locsin sa GMA 7.

Junior: Bakit kaya sya umalis?

Inday: Sometimes, people choose to leave not
because of selfish reasons but because they just
know that things will get worse if they'll stay.
Leaving can be a tough act, and it's harder when
people can't understand you for doing so.

Junior: [tuloy ang pagdugo ng ilong]

Nung gabing yon, me nag text ke Inday. Si Dodong,
ang driver ng kapitbahay, gusto maki pag

Inday: To forestall further hopes of
acquaintance, my unfathomable statement to the
denial of your request - Petition denied.

Di nagla-on, dahil sa tyaga ni Dodong, nagging
syota nya rin si Inday. Pero di tumagal ang
kanilang relasyon, at nakipag-break si Inday ke

Inday: The statute restricts me to love you but
you have the provocations. The way you smile is
the proximate cause why I love you. We have some
rules to think of. We have no vested rights to
love each other because the upper household
dismissed my petition!"

Dodong: Perhaps you are mistaken, what you seem
to contrive as any affections for you are
somewhat half-hearted. I was merely attempting
to expand my network of interests by involving
you in my daily recreation. Heretofor, you can
expect an end to any verbal articulation from

Me dumaan na mamang basurero, at narinig ang
usapan ni Inday at Dodong.

Basurero (sabi ke Inday): Be careful in letting
go of the things you thought are just nothing
because maybe someday you'll realize that the one
you gave away is the very thing you've been
wishing for to stay.

Narinig ang lahat ng eto ng amo ni inday.

Amo: [nagpakamatay]

Monday, September 13, 2010

Kung Ako ang Papipiliin....from my facebook notes

kung ako ang papipiliin
gusto kong maging sundalo
ipagtatanggol ka kahit saan
at dagliang sasaklolo

kung ako ang papipiliin
gusto kong maging doktor
magpapagaling at mag-aalaga
pati na sa aso mo at pusa

kung ako ang papipiliin
gusto kong maging abugado
ipaglalaban ka kahit kanino
hanggang umabot sa husgado

kung ako ang papipiliin
gusto kong maging anluwagi
igagawa kita ng bahay
at ako ang silbing haligi.

kung ako ang papipiliin
gusto kong maging bumbero
ngunit hindi ko papatayin
ang apoy ng pag-ibig natin

kung ako ang papipiliin
gusto kong maging guro
sayo'y gagabay at magtuturo
ng daan sa aking puso

kung ako ang papipiliin
gusto kong maging pangulo
ikaw ang aking unang ginang
at mamamahay tayo sa palasyo

kung ako ang papipiliin
gusto kong lagi kang makita
makikiusap kay Bathala
na makasama ka sa tuwina.

kung ako ang papipiliin
gusto kong maging mayaman
ibibigay lahat ng gusto mo
kahit nasa dulo ng mundo

kung ako ang papipiliin
gusto kong maging tayo
bigyan mo lang ako ng tiyempo
at dadalhin kita sa paraiso

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Buti Pa Sila...from my facebook notes

this post is not about running:

i tried thinking about the first stanza...then it rhymed..haha
here's the whole thing:

Buti Pa Sila..
~Jemuel Bayot

mabuti pa ang salamin lagi may tumitingin;
mabuti pa ang yosi nadadampian ng labi;
mabuti pa ang cornetto dinidilaan ng husto;
mabuti pa ang asukal, nasasabihan ng 'mahal'

mabuti pa ang laptop lagi mong tinititigan;
mabuti pa ang mouse lagi mong hinahawakan;
mabuti pa sa facebook hindi ka nayayamot;
mabuti pa ang cellphone lagi mo pinipindot.

ano bang meron sila na wala ako;
ano bang ginawa nila na hindi kaya ko;
pag hindi ko nakita ni ang iyong anino;
akala mo'y may gera sa loob ng aking kwarto

mabuti pa ang telepono, dumadampi sa pisngi mo;
at mas mapalad ang iyong aso, na pinapakain mo;
ano bang meron ka na wala ang iba;
at ako'y nahumaling sa iyong ganda.

mabuti pa ang iyong unan, madalas mo nahahagkan;
lagi mong yakap-yakap lalo na't umuulan;
mabuti pa ang iyong kumot kahit ika'y mamaluktot;
hindi ka hahayaang papakin ng mga lamok.

naiinggit ako sa panyo mong kulay pula;
sipunin ka man o pagpawisan, magbibigay ginhawa
bakit nga ba ganun ang buhay sa mundo
kung sinong gusto mo, siyang may ayaw sa iyo.

bakit ayaw mong hayaang ika'y aking mahalin;
isa lang naman ang aking hinihiling;
na tayo'y magkausap ng tapat at taimtim
at aking maipahiwatig ang pag-ibig na may diin.

Originally from my facebook notes