Saturday, December 4, 2010

say a little prayer

Night before 2nd QCIM
all is set.

Lord, thank you for having me in this race. thanks for the force you endowed me to endure long distance training. thank you for this being that you molded for your purposes. Father you got everything and i just want to honor you with what is due to you. Lord, tomorrow, watch over us while we tread upon the roads and streets. thank you that you commanded your angels to lead us and protect us from whatever harm there is. thank you that no weapon formed against us will ever prosper. thank you Lord for your safety and protection. May you provide the needs of the organizers and let the entire event be blessed. Lord be my legs tomorrow. Enlarge the capacity of my lungs, let the endurance of my muscles be stretched forth. spare not, lengthen my miles, strengthen my strides. With every Stride, Praise the Lord! in Jesus' name i pray... Amen & Amen!

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