Wednesday, November 10, 2010

On Contentment

i had this conversation with a 15 year old 'kid' and our little chit chat led to what she wanna become when she grows a little more---and she wanted to be an accountant. in my attempt to somewhat influence her career path to take a business degree, she blurted out that she's already contented---my sensors got it as 'she doesnt want to have as much money as she can acquire'.---correct me if am wrong but this got me thinking: once you got contented, you'll lose your passion, you'll lose your drive to excel and go to the next level of victories. once you got contented, you'll stagnate. you know what happens to stagnant stuff? mosquito babies live there. then they'll grow up and become mosquitoes, and mosquitoes bring dengue and dengue leads to death..

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