Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Race for Life 2010 | my share of the world.

Race for Life 2010 - it's an annual event of Real Life Foundation to raise funds for their scholar's educational needs. Last year's Race for Life was good and this year's Race for Life was even better. let them photos do the talking:

 Runners getting ready. it's about 6AM.

Look, it's SpiderBoy at 10K.
 It's Noelle, the Kikay Runner. [in smiling pink]

 The Scholars getting ready....for pictures! :)

Vince Bitana, from Victory Malate [where i grew up]
Vince serves as a ENCM Campus Director for Highschools.
Here, he serves as the Programs Director.
I think he's about to get some coffee from Maybank :)

Evian was there.
 May bank was there.

Vitwater was also there.

Lyn Nawata, Real Life Foundation's Executive Director.
together with Vince and his friend.
Pastor Steve, doing the Manny Pacquiao winning Pose :)

Here are some indispensable smiles. 
They did a very good job for 
Putting the FUN back in the RUN
Lee Simon Brown, also from Victory Malate.

The Kenyans. you don't try to ban them from running.
They're here to raise the bar.
Train Harder!
Run Faster!

Andi Manzano [Andi9] did 5K

Andi Manzano and the Guys

Morning Show Host, Donita Rose :)

SpideBoy in his funny suit doing his funny stunt :)

some cute smiles

some cute kids
i wonder how they managed to convince the kids to walk/run at that early?

the Scholars with Lyn Nawata & Carla Bonifacio 

Vince Bitana, Caral Bonifacio, the winners, Lyn Nawata & Donita Rose

View from the top of the Blue Building.

Pastor Junn Besana and his kid.
He's one fast runner!
I was actually pacing with him during Adidas KOTR 2010
for 21K. i got lost.

and yours truly [in aqua blue shorts] going up the flyover

at the top of the flyover, behind me is NatGeo's Billboard

Entire event was a blast. Feels soooo good being able to help
support them kids education and of course to run.
was able to PR as well. it's actually my first official 10K.
my races were half and fulls only so technically it's a PR.
For more info about Real Life Foundation and its Initiatives

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