Sunday, January 2, 2011

1M2L | Favorite Day: SOMEDAY

Reposting my thoughts dated January 2, 2010.----Funny how some things don't really change.. it's the same metaphor......Going home at this time is fantastic. No traffic jams, absolutely no cars or no one on the streets, only stray dogs crossing the hi-way until I reach ‘Lit-lit’—a creepy diversion road going home from Silang. Creepy in a sense that it’s got this very nasty curve going up and it has no street lights. Be sure your headlights are bright. One careless cross to the left and you’ll get hit by the car going downhill. One wrong turn to the right and the forensics will find your cadaver more than 50 feet below the cliff. You need a good pair of eyes when treading on this way especially at night. Every time I pass on this diversion I make sure the car stereo is in high volume because I don’t want to get distracted by some white lady showing her members—-I was listening to Harold Sala this time [Victory Ortigas Podcast]. His jokes may not be as funny as Russell Peters but his wisdom comes with age.

The author said that Someday is our favourite day, not Monday, nor Tuesday, Wednesday etc. We all plan for it, even set goals in line with it. You might say someday I’ll have that vacation with my family when I get another salary increase. Or when I got a promotion, I’ll start writing that book or giving to charity. Why not start writing the Preface or Table of Contents. When my last hours come, I don’t wanna lie down in my death bed justifying why I didn’t make it. It sure would be better to tell my grandkids how I positioned myself strategically to make it happen. Better to leave an inspiring legacy than stories of misery.

Make IT Last for LIFE

1. If my life’s gonna end in a few weeks, my biggest regret would be: not giving all I can do in my career, in ministry and in relationships. I tend to always cling on to my comfort zones. I always have these things that hold me back. This year, my goal is to prevail over those things that hold me back. I call it my SPARE NOT Strategy [from Isaiah 54]. It’s just a decision away. ---- Funny how some things don't change in a year. This time, it's about time!

2. My Personal Life Metaphor would be that cruel ‘Litlit’ road. In some areas of my life it would have that straight road section with all the street lights and courteous shoulders; It’s got with it some asphalt-impaired sections which you will really need to hit the break real hard or else your spring might get damaged; The unnecessary humps and misspelled road signs would be present. And that focus-inducing horrible curve uphill would also be there; and the dogs, the stray dogs! All these packed into one diversion road requires timing and specific measure of carefulness and attention. Life also requires such. But it’s relieving to know that beyond all these section challenges, if you drive out there on a cold starry night, you’re gonna have to need faith to get you through it. Faith to tell you, “you can make it!” “keep your gas at 40” “don’t go too fast or you might hit some stray dogs or even a drunkard.” And Mr. Shook was right when he said that faith was all we really need if we’re gonna tread on this silly diversion road called life. No one knows what’s gonna happen? Who are you gonna hold on to? Who are you gonna call when things get terrible? There’s only faith.

“So give your servant a discerning heart
to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong…”
I Kings 3:9

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