Tuesday, January 4, 2011

1M2L | The Source

As an engineering student, the thing that first pops out in my mind when I hear the word source is not the power source in circuits analysis that has a numerical value and a prefix ‘V’ which stands for volts. Source is equivalent to the person who we’re gonna get our answers from during long exams. When we say who’s the source, we immediately point to the most knowledgeable person in class and we’ll forming our ‘cheating arrangement.’ As a programmer, source is equivalent to source codes whose syntax have to be without flaw otherwise it’ll show a ‘run-time error.’
As a believer, the word source is equivalent to ‘Provider’ ---the One, the Only---source of life, source of my being---in Him I live and move and have my being. It’s amazing how Jesus presented one of his parables in the form vines and branches. We all know the story, He’s the Vine, we’re the branches. If a branch isn’t connected to the vine, it’s worthless---it can’t bear fruit. If a branch is firmly connected, the vinegrower “prunes” it so it can bear the best fruit.
We all want a productive life, don’t we? And Jesus presented it simply as “Abide in Me.” To abide in him means to be connected to him, should I say, “firmly connected” to him. That’s the reason why the author illustrated this chapter in a form of electrical power source, that if an appliance isn’t connected, it simply won’t function.
That same is true in life. To what are connected now in this season of our life? How about you? Where are you connected? It’s comforting to know that the Vine himself is inviting us to connect to him, we don’t have to find any other sources. He’s selling himself. That’s our job---to get connected. In this season am treading on right now, I believe am connected to vine. Daily, as I open my eyes and say my first words “Father, I bless you and thank you for waking me up again.” Im acknowledging that am connected to the source. And as I end my prayer, “Lord, I need your grace today. You know am weak and give in easily to distractions, thank you for your saving grace…” I acknowledge God that I can’t go about my day by myself, I need God and am actually God-dependent. Yes, am a sinner, I always commit sin and I admit it, but it’s comforting to know that I have God, and he forgives me always, and still gives me wisdom without finding fault. Isn’t it great to be connected to source?! We all get tired and distressed but he has a promise, that if we come to him, he’ll give us rest-------I still don’t understand what this 'rest' means, I think it’s inner peace and assurance that no matter what comes against us in life, we have God and he’ll continue to be our lifeline or “phone-a-friend’ every time.

Ive been through pruning season, and it isn’t fun but since you’re connected to the source, you’ll realize that you actually have inner peace and confidence that this season shall pass and you will emerge victorious. I’ve endured the pruning season, it’s where God actually cuts the things that aren’t necessary to my life---it’s character building. It’s tough. You have to make a lot of sacrifices, but in the end, you’ll realize after you have passed the pruning season, what you were made of will show---and it will show that you have been connected to the source. My pruning season was tough. But now, realizing that that season has passed, I actually thank God for putting me into that season-----my belief was reinforced, my foundations were strengthened. Pruning season isn’t a once in a lifetime experience. God may put me again to another pruning season for me to yield the best fruit. Like the silversmith in Malachi, where the silver is subjected into fire for a period of time and will only stop when the silversmith sees his image on the silver. You gotta enjoy every season that God may put us into. Most of them are tough but remember, though sorrow may last for a night, Joy comes in the morning.

So how do we stay connected to the source. It’s actually a continuous conversation with God throughout the day. It doesn’t mean praying non-stop the whole day, it’s inviting him to be a part of your day and include him in all your decisions, choices and leaps. Real prayer goes beyond reciting the “Our Father,” the “Hail Mary” and the “Glory be.” Real prayer is where you pour out what’s inside your heart to God. I do it always, when I feel happy, I thank God. When I feel disappointed I ask God if he’s actually being unfair to me. I tell God to his face what I feel. It’s ok, God won't throw thunders on me. He actually knows the next word that’ll come out of my mouth even before I say it. It is just that God values our relationship with him more than our grievances. Yes, he sees our discouragement, but are we willing to let him ease the pain? If you haven’t tried it, try it, it’s fun! You’ll realize that though you’re discouraged and your face downcast, you actually have peace. Remember where you  have to be connected---The Source.

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