Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1M2L | Unselfish

Unselfish love. It’s what makes the world go round until now from the time God created it. Imagine a selfless and loving God giving us the privilege to live life to the full yet we throw punches on him but still loves us no matter what. He’s the very air that we breathe.

In my relationships right now, I consider my relationship with my parents the most important. My parents are not just my parents. They’re my business partners, although I run our company solely, they serve as members of the board. I get business and life advices from them. They’re my mentors. I could say that we’ve never been this closer. Although I don’t tell them anything especially the very personal stuff. But I love them and I know that they trust me. I feel so blessed every time I thank God for them, for being their son, for being in our family. 

Sad as it is in the movies, relationships are devastated by conflicts whether it is by accident, by fault or just by a simple misunderstanding.  Many solid relationships are ruined by these stumbling blocks. Root word: “Selfishness.” Because whatever the cause is, if we are quick to listen and to forgive, our relationships won’t get ruined. It’s Day 5 of our annual prayer and fasting for 2011, and I believe God is speaking to me to have a space in my heart for forgiveness. I have a history, and God knows this, of being easily angered. My temper shoots up easily….before and I learned to somewhat tone it down by seeking first to understand then be understood [from 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey]. But when am angered, am having a hard time to forget the things they did to hurt me. And unlike God, I don’t have the ability to erase the memories of those who hurt me as far as the East is from the West. That’s why I need God’s help to help me learn how to forgive. You’ll know you haven’t forgiven yet whenever you see the person or something that reminded you of that person and suddenly your mood flows to the other direction. As we say “Badtrip ‘pre!” 

But above all these selfishness and unforgiveness, God is giving us the privilege to repent…….and he is always ready to forgive. And as we ask for forgiveness, God also empowers us to love and to forgive others who did us wrong as well. If by our own abilities only, we will not be able to forgive. We need God’s help and grace to do it. We can love others not because we can but because he loved us first.

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