Monday, January 3, 2011

1M2L | Time Space Warp

“Time Space Warp Ngayon Din!” is a trademark phrase used by Ida, one of the villains in the Japanese TV series ‘Shaider.’ Every time she says those words, Shaider and the episode’s villain will be teleported to an unknown time and space where they would battle. Of course, like any other cartoons, Shaider would always win. as a kid, i've always wondered how awesome it could be to time travel. seeing what the future would look like without aging a year or so. but that's just me as a kid. I've grown enough to know that there really is no time space warp and Shaider died from colon cancer.
We always hear about time management from people who were interviewed about their success secrets. They would always say, time management is one of their secrets. I beg to disagree. How can you manage something that you can’t even control? Or how could you even control something that would outlast you? Let’s face it. Whether we live a hundred or 500 years, time will still outlast us----no one can really manage time. I think a better word would be “personal management”---managing me! Come to think of it, you can’t really manage time but you can control yourself. You can control yourself what to do the moment you wake up, 2 hours after that, and 8 hours thereof. It’s about managing what you put in your hours.
What consumes most of my time each day? Here’s what my day looks like: I wake up at 4:30am….ok I set my alarm at 4:30----then snooze for 10 minutes. Then I read my Bible and pray [eagle time] until 5am or until I finished 2 chapters. …most of the time my alarm would wake me up at 5:30 knowing that I could easily fall asleep while reading my Bible. Get refreshed, hit my car then go to my office..around 6am. Give some  instructions. Breakfast then hit the roads for my maintenance run or do resistance training in the gym until 9am. Cool off for 30 minutes. Shower. Then work until 5pm. Visit store operations for an hour, it’s 6pm by this time. I don’t eat dinner, just protein/carb shakes for dinner [weight management program stuff]. Sometimes I stay longer in the store or I go up in my office to do facebook or continue doing balance sheets and income statements. Business hours done by 9pm. Then I’ll go home. Sleep at 10pm then repeat routine. So what consumes most of my time each day? It’s work! Most of the time, I multitask: while doing work I’d actually download and play some latest movies from the internet. While I workout or run, I tune in to my podcasts, usually podcasts from Victory Fort and Victory Ortigas, or Self Help and Leadership audio books. It’s actually boring to do the same things over and over, am actually asking God for THE “helper” he promised who is suitable for me---am sure she's on her way.
How meaningful is it? I’d say very! It’s my source of income and it’s where I intend to build and raise support for my future businesses/financial and every plan. How satisfying is it? Well, I know that every little thing I do contributes to a bigger plan. It may not be as satisfying as it is but am sure, in the end, it’s worth it.
Paul, in his letter to the church in Corinth, pleaded not to waste time. Time is our life. If we waste time, we waste our life. [2 Corinthians 6]. I heard about the 80/20 Principle from one of my business mentors---it means that 20% of what we do produces 80% of our results. The single most important thing we do in a day produces 80% of our results, yields to our profit or acquires us gains. It’s true in business and it’s also true in life. From the words of Mr. Shook: “if we spend more time in the areas that bring us the most results, then we will accomplish more by doing less.”
In view of the 80/20 principle, it’s true for me. The tasks that fall under that 20% would be ordering products from suppliers or looking for better and cheaper suppliers, getting more orders from customers. 80% consists of doing my accounting, which also includes facebook, movies and some PR time with customers and friends. Those 20% yields 100% profits. Those 80% tasks yields only support.
On the brighter side, no matter how many tasks I have to accomplish, I still make time for our family  time or meal especially during weekends. I see to it that I’m with them on breakfast and lunch and sometimes dinner. Family weighs more than gold. There’s just one thing am struggling at, Sabbath! Because no matter what I do, am still in my office. The very least that I can do is not to do accounting and replace it with movies or tv series. I love the fact that in order to sabotage the “Someday Syndrome” we just have to focus our time and energy and put some 'personal management' to doing what we do best and make that someday today.
If your reading the book, this is actually Day 3. Check out ‘Make it Last for Life’ question number 3:
How would you describe your current season in life? Am on my “building foundations” season where I’m digging down deep for my source of income, trying to reinforce the foundations, like a plant, I keep on watering it and make it grow. In harvest season, I’ll just have to get my storehouses ready! Am actually loving this season especially it’s January, New Year. New hope, a very bright future to look forward to. I see a lot of barrier-breaking experiences coming in business, relationships and others. Am actually excited! This season, am dedicating everything to God, that I’ll follow his lead, consistently asking for wisdom and discernment. By his grace, i’ll soar on eagle’s wings.

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