Wednesday, January 12, 2011

DAY 6 | Don't Settle

Joshua has been giving their inheritance to the tribes of Israel and was interrupted when the seven other tribes was not doing anything, not giving any reports about the land they’re about to occupy. Joshua rebuked them for settling for just enough. God has already given them the land, all they have to do is take possession of their part of the land but they’re not doing anything. They became quickly satisfied---Complacent. How many times have I been guilty for settling for second best just because I don’t feel like moving ahead, I felt satisfied already. As we say it “Nakakatamad naman” I remember this commercial on powdered detergents which says “Hindi pwede ang pwede na.”

And so Joshua had to give them instructions. People are really different. As I used to hear from my dad when he’s getting his nerves up because of lazy laborers “Kung hindi pupukpukin, hindi babaon.” Joshua had to push them to claim what’s theirs. Another thing that struck me is the casting of lots. I thought casting lots is kinda wayward---but in this context, casting lots is done in the presence of the Lord, believing that whatever the outcome would be, it is the Lord’s will. 

In contrast, Caleb’s outright confidence is so big and is anchored to the right point---God. Three times in the 14th chapter of the book of Joshua was the word “wholeheartedly” mentioned, and Caleb, warrior as he is, showed no doubts about it. Since he followed/obeyed God ‘wholeheartedly’ he got his share of the land. 

And as the writer of the book of Hebrews wrote: let us not throw away our confidence because it will be richly rewarded. Perseverance is key to doing God’s will, and God, faithful as he is, will give us a reward for doing our part.

Day 6 talks about not to settle for anything less than the best. God has an intention to bless us and to make us prosperous. Consider Caleb’s confidence anchored in the Lord, though he was 85 years, 40 years after the promise has been said, and another 40 years before he was able to claim it. He didn’t lose hope. His faith and confidence was completely fastened to the right anchor. Whenever we got trials to pass, James is asking us to consider it a joy to be tested because perseverance yields the promise.

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