Monday, January 10, 2011

DAY 4 | Conquering Faith

Read Joshua 6 & 1 Samuel 17 and you’ll realize why this day is entitled “Conquering Faith” which by the way, I think is perfect! As Joshua and the people move forward to claim their Promised Land, Joshua did a strategic move to spy out the area---which every smart military leader would do. And as soon as they made up their mind to move ahead anyway, Jericho became their first subject. And so they marched around the city for 6 days. I can’t imagine how absurd it was. Marching around the walls of the city with trumpets blowing for 6 days. What would the residents inside the walled city think about the armies of Israel? Have they gone mad? What’s their gimmick this time?

My office is located by the main road and we could practically hear the very loud sounds of engines passing, especially the trikes. I could imagine how the people inside the walled city would react whenever they hear the loud trumpets passing. I think they were also extremely annoyed by the loud sounds. And ridiculous as it may seem, Joshua and the Army continued doing it for 6 days. People inside the city maybe making fun of them but it’s alright. Joshua’s purpose was clear. God’s orders were clear. And so they continued marching and on the seventh day, after the 7 circuit and loud shouts, the walls of Jericho collapsed and they seized the city----Conquering Faith. It’s good to point out that no matter how silly or ridiculous a thing maybe, if that order is from the Lord, it’ll be worth the risk. In your mind, you’ll be saying “You will feel guilty for laughing so hard!”

The same conquering spirit had David as he killed Goliath. David was the underdog but he killed Goliath because he realized that “the battle is the Lord’s.” every battle that we face is the Lord’s battle and he will cause us to win every time. One thing we do, we just need to be present in the battle field bringing with us not the weapons of this world but divine power to demolish strongholds [2Cor10:3-5]

No matter how many “Jerichos” may be standing in our way, it’s good to know that God gives wisdom without finding fault. We just need to ask him and be in faith, be present in the battle field and be one with God as these battles are his.

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