Thursday, January 6, 2011

1M2L | Me First!

It sounds selfish. Yes. We are naturally selfish. If we’re not, we will not be exerting effort to wake up each day and go to work. We work because we need money for everything. Life is tough. Day 5---and this is about fixing myself first before I can fix others. It makes sense. You can’t actually teach others what you don’t know. 

If I knew I had only a month to live. I’d still be putting some time for running and multisports and even workouts. Not too much time of course, i'd focus on building relationships through sports. Win-Win! But now that this isn’t true, because we still got excellent days ahead of us, this doesn’t give us any reason to live carelessly. This actually give us a lot of reasons to fix ourselves now so we can be an agent of change tomorrow.
I’m currently engaged in a weight loss program. I weigh 153lbs and I intend to reach my optimal weight of 148lbs. I perform well at 148lbs. but who knows I might as well reach 145 or 140lbs. Part of my daily routine is to run or to workout. No cheat days. I just refrained from such strenuous activities for 7 days since it’s our annual 7 Days of Prayer and Fasting. I need energy. My diet consists of fist-sized carbs, fist-sized proteins and fist-sized vegetables. Am not a veggie eater by heart but as soon as I got the results of my weight management, that I actually lost 1.5lbs in a day by adding veggies to my meals, I became a fan. It’s like my rice now. My meals feel incomplete without eat. Btw, I haven’t been eating rice during this weight management period, I eat fist-sized servings of oats for my carbs. Results are better! I actually move faster with oats.

It’s a pity to know that there are kinds of people who deal with their health in extremes. Those who care so much about it [worshippers of the temple] and those who neglect it [trashers of the temple]. The body is described as the temple of the Holy Spirit [1 Corinthians 6:19]. If a friend sent you a text message that he would drop by your house for dinner, you would have cleaned and prepared for her visit. How much more if that visitor is God? Would you have hired helpers to thoroughly clean the entire compound?

Putting on the oxygen mask before putting on oxygen masks to others isn’t selfish, it’s the real deal. You have to fix yourself first before you can manage others. If I were to rate myself in these areas of life: Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Relational (1-terrible and 10-fantastic) I’d rate myself as 7 Spiritual [I connect with God daily and every so often], 9 Physical [am an athlete], 8 Emotional [I say what I feel like saying]  and 6 Relational [I tend to scare people, people actually tells me that they are intimidated of me. I don’t bite and am not that serious, it’s just that it’s just me] How about you? How would you rate yourself in these 4 areas? My hope and my prayer is that we could work on improving our roles in these 4 areas of our lives this year. Today Fix Myself. Tomorrow,  Change the World.

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