Saturday, January 1, 2011

1M2L | That Little Line in Between

THIS YEAR. I'm gonna nail this down!
i've been trying to finish this book with, really, a sense of fulfillment...this time, it's about time!

Reposting my thoughts dated January 1, 2010.

I read this book, One Month to Live, before but I wasn’t able to finish it. This time, am extending my eagle time for another 15 min to read 1 chapter for 30 days. This book is about having a no-regrets life. I don’t think it’s a self-help book but something that will make you realize that you need to keep track of your minutes and make the most out of it, that when the time comes that you were only given 1 or 2 months to live, you’re not gonna change anything in your lifestyle because you’re already living it.

On a freaky sense, you might see it as living everyday as if it’s your last but honestly, why not live everyday in line with your passion and purpose so that when your time comes, you won’t have any unfinished business.

Reminds me of the epitaphs I see every Halloween, with people’s name, birthday and deathday. Those dates are just dates. Whether that person inside was a public figure or just an anonymous citizen, his life, no matter how glorious it was, is summarized & jampacked into that little dash in between those dates. And if a stranger sees it, he doesn’t really give a ..... Not everyone cares.

I found this very fascinating website,, and found out that am gonna die on May 18, 2078, 92 years old. I wonder what age am gonna die if i put Pessimistic instead of Optimistic. Visit the site, you’ll see. If it’s for real, I hope I'll be able to serve my purpose in my generation. If not, man it won’t feel good...

· Make IT last for LIFE

1. If I had a month to live i’d be:

a. More understanding and considerate towards difficult people. [I think whenever you’re face-to-face with a D-Person, it’s a test and most people fail it. This time, I think “It’s About Me!” it’s about me acquiring new skills and developing new attitudes towards D-People and how God can use me to reach out to them and add value to their lives.] - I learned about adding value to people's lives from one of my mentors. it's like we're all holding a glass of water and everytime we meet other people, it's either we fill their glass or spill their glass.

b. Learn to SPARE NOT! Or Not to Hold Anything Back. If I want something, i'll make sure God approves of it and will work on it.

c. Make sure a day won’t end unless I learn something new. It means if I had to be adding value to people’s lives, I had to be serious in committing some 20 minutes of my day refilling mine. [reading a book, listening to podcasts] maximizing my cool down time with audio books.

d. Plan Ahead. With small time, this year am gonna learn to be more efficient and effective. I used to over analyze stuff then I became paralyzed—not a good idea. This year, if I want it, then i’ll wok on it.

e. Be More Friendly. It feels good to connect with strangers. He might have something I need or I might have something he needs. Resources are everywhere, you just have to look. It’s a beautiful world.

2. At the end of reading this book, I see me with better habits. Free from addictions, free from things that hold me back. Better habits, better lives, better legacy.

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