Sunday, January 9, 2011

1M2L | Love Hurts

If I had only a month to live, I won’t tell anyone about it. but I’ll spend time with my mom in her office, my dad in his business, my bro and my grandmas at home. Then I’ll go visit the victory group for one last time then set up a portion of my will and testament to the missionaries I support. My shares of the company will be transferred to my dad.  I’d send a private message to my friends in facebook and in other social networks. I’d thank them for the relationship we’ve shared and if there was ever a time I have been a pain in the neck, I’d ask for forgiveness. Check out p.67 last question on Make It Count Moment: What keeps you from doing these? ---it’s weird to do these. 

God created us in his own image and likeness as relational beings. We’re not made to seclude ourselves in a faraway mountain and live with long white beards. It doesn’t just look good, it would suck not to have facebook on top of the mountain. You probably have to travel by foot, the nearest mall would be 4 hours away---man it sucks! That’s the reason why God provided a ‘helper’ suitable for us. We were made for relationship. To function as human beings is to relate with one another.

Love cant be bought. Love is like passion. It’s either you have it or you don’t. To love is to risk pain. We were once ask what the opposite of love is. Some say it’s indifference, some say it’s apathy. Close as they may seem to the opposite of love, the closest definition would still be “Selfishness.” Because if you don’t love, you don’t give [anything]. In ‘indifference’ you don’t seem to go the same way with love. With apathy, you don’t seem to care. With selfishness, you are just so self-contained. The greatest love ever known, that a father would risk his son’s life for the benefit of many. When we people love, it has limits. I for one observed myself to love and expect to be loved. God’s love, on the other hand, has no limits, no strings attached---He loves you. Period. And no one could ever take it away. 

So why are we acting the way we are acting? As the author put it: Our problem is not that we don’t love God enough, it is that we don’t understand how much he loves us. I believe once we understand this truth, we will have a new revelation of how we could live this life to the full by loving completely. Day 9---the heart of the matter is a matter of the heart.

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