Friday, January 7, 2011

Preparing for the Fast | Entering into the Promise

“…Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them—to the Israelites. I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.”
~ Joshua 1:2,3
I remember posting about this year’s annual corporate fast in facebook dubbed as: the 7 Day Ultra Endurance Test---it actually is, not just physically but first and foremost spiritually. I love this fasting season. This is my 6th---I remember the very first time I stepped into Victory Taft (it’s former name, it’s Victory Malate now) used to be in Pedro Gil, I got there for a very wrong motive and I didn’t realize that it was the first day of the corporate fast. and so i was there, trapped and to cut it short, I got discipled. I remember not eating for a couple of days, starving myself and “feasting” right on the 8th day. As the years pass, I learned the essence behind fasting. It’s never about “doing things” for God so he can grant your wishes, He’s actually not a genie. It’s seeking the Giver, “waiting on” Him, for his orders, his marching orders; asking for directions, discerning what He wants done. Setting apart oneself for his use.
This year, the passages were from the Book of Joshua. a very practical Book on Courage and Obedience where everyone can actually see themselves in Joshua's life. In the beginning of this book, God is giving his marching orders to Joshua since Moses died already and he’s next in line. Joshua got some courage issues that God himself told him to “be strong and very courageous” three times. Aren’t we all got some courage and boldness issues? And God is reminding us through this season of praying and fasting that he believes we’re capable of the things he wants us to do. He’s actually telling us to also “Be Strong and Very Courageous, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go!”

” Our Promised Land is ready, and the Promise-Giver is before us. May we boldly
march forward as our Lord leads us into a new season of faith and victory.”
~ P&F 2011 Manual p.9

Numbers 23:19
God doesn’t lie and does not even change his mind. When he speaks, he couples it with actions. When he promised something, he fulfills. Imagine if God’s mind would be ever changing like ours, how will the world look like? Or what if his promises are just merely words?---the word “hope” and “faith” would be insignificant.

Isaiah 55:10
God’s word serves its purposes for which it was sent. Whatever God says, it is of utmost importance so let us never neglect any promptings or leadings through God’s word in this season. Let us be quick to listen and prompt to obey.

Deuteronomy 7:6
God blessed the Israelites because he acknowledges and keeps his oath of love with their ancestors. God is a faithful God---“faithful” here means firm in keeping and complying to a certain agreement. In this case, God is faithful in keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands.---Note: Love God and Keep his Commands? Think about it: if you love God, you will keep his commands. If you love God, you won’t try to violate any.

Ephesians 1:3
God blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
He chose us to be holy and blameless in his sight.
He adopted us as sons through Christ according to his will.
We are redeemed of our sins through God’s grace
He gave us the privilege to know his will.
With God, you can never go wrong.

This year, I am believing God for:

Personal Faith Goals:
·         To hear a new mandate, marching orders from God.
·         Blessing the source of income. Expansion and strengthening of the enterprise.
·         New business opportunities, new streams of income.
·         To add 2 more missionaries to support.
·         Reinforced strength and endurance for multisports
·         As for me and family, we will serve the Lord.
·         Safety and protection, long life, better health.
·         prayer team
·         back end support for a church plant

This year, 2011, God is First and am Expecting God to Answer!

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