Saturday, January 8, 2011

1M2L | Ignition

Ignition is more than a song done by R.Kelly, ignition is just a small spark that will start a revolution. Without ignition, we won’t be able to start a Harley Davidson bike. Without ignition a Ferrari wont start. A small igniter can make our stove flame and cook our dinner. It’s a lot convenient than rubbing two sticks as we learned from boy scout. The same is true with God’s power. Too often we rely on our abilities without realizing that our abilities are gift from God. We rely on our own strength thinking we can make it by ourselves. Sadly, we can always try but never get far enough. With God’s power we can do all things. 

Though we may first always go straight with our ways and most likely fail, God gives a reset----not just once, he’s patient enough to give us a lot. Peter the Rock disowned Jesus 3 times yet resurfaced to spearhead the advancement of God’s kingdom. Even though we fail ourselves and fail the expectation of people around us, we can always have a rest with God. Failure is never final. Failure is never fatal. Failure is actually a great opportunity to start again wisely.

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