Sunday, January 9, 2011

DAY 3 | Who's the Boss?

Joshua’s first challenge as Israel’s new leader is to conquer Jericho and vast as it was, he needed reinforcement. We can assume that Joshua would have been praying so hard for triumph. But to his amazement, the Commander of the Army of the LORD [who is btw, God himself] appeared to his rescue. The Commander told him: “I am in charge! And I am here!” ---what a comfort to hear that. And to have someone in charge who’s gonna fight for you.
Previously God told him that as he was with Moses, he will be with Joshua. This is the point where God fulfilled his promise and he’s gonna fight for them. it’s safe to say at this point that in this life, it is never about us---it is about God who provides everything. Day 3---and God is telling who he is in our lives. The Boss. He calls the shots.

I admire Moses’ nerve to say to God’s face that he’s not gonna move a single step if God would not go with them. When I read that, I was like, “Oh man, how dare you say that to God.” But that’s the very essence why God wants to have a relationship with us. He wants us to include him in our daily lives. To tell him to his face whatever we feel. We are created for him. 

In this third day of prayer and fasting, let us live this life with God as our director who leads us to the right direction. Let us not be afraid because as God was with Moses, he will be with us. Day 3---Be sensitive to get our orders from the Boss.

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